
Its origin is lost in the mists of time when in the year 781 AD. Charlemagne went to Rome on a pilgrimage and received a gift from Pope Adrian I and some relics of Saints Sebastian and Antimo. During the return journey a violent epidemic broke out and, thanks to the Lord, when the plague ended, he founded the monastery which was later built on the Abbey. The ancient abbots had the title of Counts of the Holy Roman Empire. Since 1992, the Abbey of Sant’Antimo has been resurrected through the presentation of a small community that follows the Rule of Saint Augustine. Location Sant’Antimo, Castelnuovo dell’Abate GPS: 43°00’02.1″N 11°31’01.0″E


To truly discover Tuscany it is not enough to visit its villages and admire its landscapes. You need to know its culture and, of course, its flavours